
Friday, September 27, 2013

New Biotech Test for Prostate Cancer; Unlike PSA Test, is Ultra-Specific for Prostate Cancer

This article describes a more selective assay for prostate cancer. Unlike the PSA test which can simply indicate inflammation. This test measure the presence of a unique RNA derived from a gene fusion event which is specific to prostate cancer cells. 

The Next-Generation Sequencing Revolution and Its Impact on Genomics

A superb ( and free !)  paper in Cell which reviews cutting edge  sequence analysis .

Google shifts to more complex questions , not just key words !

An interesting article in the Times on the revamping of Google search algorithm

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Algae produced oils go mainstream

Unilever has decided to buy large quantities  of oil produced from algae designed by solazyme .

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Introducing Biotechnology into High Schools

This article from the ATE@20 blog  illustrates how an initial ATE NSF grant to  train high school teachers in Biotechnology, has been  developed into a self sustaining program.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Tales from the Genome ? 23and Me and Udacity

23 and Me, the premier personal genomics company has set up a collaboration with Udacity to offer an  online genomics course   .  The course will integrate  student observations on their own genome  with  discussion on the likely function of  DNA sequence variants.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

The Top Ten List of Sequencing Techniques

The journal Biotechniques has compiled  a list of the top ten sequencing techniques  complete with downloadable pdfs .

What are those pink inclusions ?

An inquiring  student  in API  wondered what these pink inclusions might be  ? The section  is from a tissue in an early stage of development and was stained with  H and E.  The student  took  the picture through the lens using a droid camera phone .

Free fellowships to develop web skills

A pioneering program in NYC offers  free fellowships to  adults who have not had any previous training  in web development technologies .

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

State's Quest To Be 'On The Bioscience Map' Progresses

Governor  Malloy is scheduled to sign  the  Bioscience Innovation Act which will provide funding to enable  new biotechnology  collaborations  between  universities and small companies in CT.